Welcome to UEST
The Unit of Environmental Science and Technology (UEST) is an educational and research unit at the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. The unit works in collaboration with other Universities, research institutes, public and local authorities and with the private sector with the aim of enhancing education, research, technology and innovation. UEST works in close cooperation with competent Ministries and other Governmental agencies, as well as various European and International Organizations, providing environmental management inputs for the development and implementation of national strategies and action plans. UEST has been the National Reference Center of Greece representing the country at the European Topic Center on Waste and Material Flows (ETC/WMF) of the European Environment Agency (EEA).
Our Conferences
Conferences organised by Unit of Environmental Science and Technology.

Chania 2023 Conference
10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Chania, 21–24 June 2023

Corfu 2022 Conference
9th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Corfu, 15–18 June 2022

Thessaloniki 2021 Conference
8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Thessaloniki, 23–26 June 2021

Heraklion 2019 Conference
7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Crete Island, Greece, 26–29 June 2019
Best Life Environment Project
The SOL-BRINE project was selected and voted as the BEST LIFE ENVIRONMENT PROJECT within the whole 25-year period (1992-2017) of LIFE financial instrument of European Commission. The first prize of the GREEN AWARDS was given by EC Commissioner Mr. Karmenu Vella during the Green Week in Brussels on 30th May 2017.

Areas of Expertise of UEST
Development of programs for the integrated management of wastewater
Design, application and optimization of lab-scale and pilot-scale systems, including state-of-the-art technologies for the treatment of industrial wastewater and solid waste
Development and application of systems for prevention and control of environmental pollution
Development and application of inventory programs concerning the production of solid waste (municipal and industrial) and industrial wastewater
Development of appropriate schemes for the integrated management of municipal solid waste in local and national level
Development of best management schemes for the integrated management of special types of solid waste (batteries, plastics, used oils, used tires, end-of-life vehicles demolition waste etc) at local and national level
Development of appropriate schemes for the integrated management of hazardous waste at local and national level
Development and application of appropriate decision support tools for the management of solid waste
Development and application of decision support tools for the selection of the appropriate site for the installation of waste and wastewater treatment plants
Development and application of decision support systems for the estimation and the time prediction of the pollution in contaminated sites
Environmental impact assessment
Development of simulation models and other software tools
Life-Cycle analysis, eco-design end-of-life management of various products
Air Pollution and pollution prevention and control
Energy Engineering: Energy conservation in the industry. Renewable energy systems: Geothermal, Biomass, Solar, and Wind. Energy Co-generation. Coal Combustion, Gasification and liquefaction. Biomass Gasification
Process Engineering: Process Design of environmental systems; Simulation of environmental and chemical systems; Environmental process synthesis; Reaction synthesis; optimisation of single and multiple objectives; Modelling and control of polymerisation reactors; dynamic simulation of systems
Process Engineering: Process Design of environmental systems; Simulation of environmental and chemical systems; Environmental process synthesis; Reaction synthesis; optimisation of single and multiple objectives; Modelling and control of polymerisation reactors; dynamic simulation of systems